Structural design services by carrying out analysis of structures using STAAD Pro etc., designing and furnishing detailed construction drawings for the structures in the areas of Residential, Institutional, Industrial, Bridges, Commercial Buildings etc.
Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete and steel structures
- Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test, Rebound Hammer Test, Rebar Detection System, Corrosion Analysis through Potential difference and resistivity studies, Carbonation test, Chloride Penetration Test, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, Dye Penetration Test, Ultrasonic flaw detector etc.
- Semi-destructive test on concrete members/structures such as 'Core Test' and Performance evaluation test such as 'Pull out test on mechanical/chemical anchors.
- Load test to assess the behaviour / performance evaluation / load carrying capacity of the structure & structural components under the desired loading conditions.
- Post restoration tests using the Non-destructive, Semi-destructive and Load test methods to assess the efficacy of the restoration activity executed.
- Non-destructive & Semi-destructive tests on foundation/pedestals of Ground Based Towers (GBT).
Investigation, restoration and renovation of old and new structures such as
Fire damaged structures
Blast damaged structures
Corrosion damaged structures
Industrial, corporate, commercial and domestic structures with various types of distress
Bridges in distress
Structural evaluation / structural stability check of old and new structures
Evaluation of structural adequacy of structures for seismic forces as per latest codal provisions
Evaluation of structures to check the feasibility of providing additional floors according to latest codal provisions.
Evaluation of structures hosting Roof Top Cellular Communication Towers / Poles (RTT/RTP) with the aid of Non-destructive tests.
Structural modifications of old and new structures
Evaluation of structures for change in occupancy and future expansion etc., as per latest codal provisions.
Evaluation of structures for the proposed modifications to accommodate lifts, staircases and escalators etc.
Quality audit/quality control of new constructions
Laboratory tests on various construction materials
Bridge lifting, bearing replacement and expansion joint treatment